• Shop 4/114 Majors Bay Road, Concord NSW, Australia

We are conveniently located on Majors Bay Road with plenty of street parking.

Dr Dhruv Nayyar

General Cardiologist & Cardiac Imaging Specialist

Dr Dhruv Nayyar is a consultant Cardiologist with a subspecialty interest in preventative cardiology, pre-operative cardiac risk assessment, and the use of advanced cardiac imaging in the management of coronary artery disease, heart failure and arrhythmias.

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Dr Cuneyt Ada

General & Interventional Cardiologist

Dr Cuneyt Ada's expertise is coronary angiography and stent insertion. Dr Ada uses cutting-edge imaging technology to personalise each patient's stenting procedure in order to improve long-term outcomes. He regularly gives lectures to local and international cardiologists and is one of Australia's leading experts in the field.

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Dr Crishan Nalliah

General Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist

Dr Nalliah is a clinical academic electrophysiologist with a vision to meet the needs of patients with arrhythmia disorders. Dr Nalliah's clinical expertise spans general cardiology, complex atrial and ventricular arrhythmia management, device implantation and diagnosis/management of inherited arrhythmia syndromes.

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The Consultation
Every visit starts with you and your individual health needs.

First, your cardiologist will take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have.

Then they will review your medical history thoroughly and perform an examination to determine the best course of action for your specific situation. Based on this information, our doctor may decide to perform tests, such as an echocardiogram or stress echocardiogram, on-site at our clinic to further assess your health.

Our goal is to provide personalised, high-quality care that is centered around your health needs and concerns.

Your GP refers you

A GP referral is required for you to claim a rebate from medicare and is important to summarise your medical history as well as allowing your primary care doctor to be the centre of your care.


Call our office

Make a booking to see us at a convenient time. If your referral is deemed more urgent by your GP, please mention this to our staff.


Phone reminder

You will receive a phone call to remind you of your appointment on the business day prior to your appointment date.


Attend your appointment

On the day of your appointment, you will have a consultation and if necessary, further testing including an echocardiogram and/or a stress echocardiogram.


Fees and rebate

Following your appointment, your fee is payable by cash or card. Cheques are not accepted. If you have a valid referral and a medicare card, we are usually able to process your rebate with medicare so you are rebated immediately.


Avoid repeat appointments

We firmly believe in sorting out your health within one visit to our clinic if possible. However, if follow-up is required, this can be booked immediately after your consult to avoid waitlists.

What to bring
  • Medicare card
  • Pensioner card or Health care card
  • Referral
  • Medication list
  • Recent blood results
  • If you have been in hospital, please bring your latest discharge summary


Ultrasound images of your heart are taken to assess cardiac function

Stress Testing

Treadmill stress ECG or stress echocardiography is performed on-site.


A live 12-lead tracing of your heart rhythm is recorded


CT coronary angiography Cardiac MRI

Interventional Cardiology

Angiography Angioplasty Stenting (PCI) Coronary Physiology Intracoronary Imaging CTO PCI


Electrophysiological testing Loop recorder insertion Pacemaker insertion Defibrillator insertion Ablation


We are a private billing service. Please call our office for more details.

Pensioner card and health care card holders will be charged at a lower rate.

Will I get a medicare rebate?

Yes, most patients receive a rebate if you have a valid medicare card.

If you are not able to receive a rebate from medicare, you will be informed prior to your appointment. There are certain terms and conditions which medicare uses, most importantly, having a valid GP referral. 

Can I see the cardiologist without a referral?

This would not be advised as your GP should be the centre of your management. Also, you will not be eligible for any medicare rebates without a valid referral.

Does private health insurance cover specialist appointments?

By law, private health insurance does not offer cover for out-of-hospital medical services including: GP visits, consultations with specialists in their rooms or out-of-hospital diagnostic imaging and tests.